Quilt Mercantile--TRY BEFORE YOU BUY-three ways to quilt your projects!Education opportunities for machine quilting--3 months--3 options
AUGUST-OPTION 1: Handi Quilter Long Arm stand up machines or sit-down. The Handi Quilter van is HERE NOW! We have six 20 inch Amara with Pro Stitcher machines set up in our classroom. Jackie Brown and Loretta Morris are excited to share their passion for long arm quilting. We have a week of classes from advanced classes for current owners to total beginner classes designed for those that have never touched a long arm (Friday & Saturday). Click here to look at classes Tuesday August 13th-Saturday August 17th. SEPTEMBER-OPTION 2: We are the FIRST Janome dealer in DFW to have this event. Join us for Creativity in HD. Don't have the room for a long arm? Prefer to use an embroidery machine to quilt your projects? The Janome Continental M17 is the PERFECT option for you at an amazing value. One great feature of this machine is the 11" x 11" magnetic hoop which allows easy set up for quilting large squates. (Just think of all those wonderful Kimberbell projects you can quilt in the hoop!!!) So many embroidery designers are creating quilting designs along with their projects. For owners of the CM17 on September 5th-click here- we have a one day event making this 4 panel project. Cost is $149.95. Our two day event September 6th& 7th-click here- is for those that have never used the CM17. Same project at a much slower speed so you can see all the wonderful features that have made so many fall in love with the Janome CM17. Cost for the two day is $199.95. Project kit is included in the cost for both days. Machines are set up and ready to go in the classroom for both of these class options! Bonus--we have Pamela Hansen as the featured teacher at Quiltagious Quarters for September 4th-7th--click here. Come stay and learn for four days! Space is limited so reply to this email to reserve your spot. We will reach out to you to confirm. OCTOBER-OPTION 3: Jacki Brown's Domestic machine quilting retreat October 4-6th. Do you want to improve your machine quilting skills on your domestic machine? Perfect opportunity. Do you want to "try before you buy" one of the Janome or Elna sewing machines that are engineered with features to make it so much easier to machine quilt on a domestic machine? Great! We can give you the options to use during retreat. Send us an email. Click here to learn more about retreat.
THANK YOU to all our customers that have shared their buying experience with all their friends. We are truly blessed and thankful. It is so very important to pick the right dealer when you make a purchase decision. We love to hear that you share information about Quilt Mercantile. Do you find yourself trying to make a decision about a long arm, embroidery machine, or sewing machine? Want to upgrade or add on Pro Stitcher? We take trade ins! Reply to this email with any questions about any of these three educational options. Handi Quilter and Janome America have given us exclusive bonus packages and financing options that make this a perfect time to come "TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!" Mark your calendar for each event and SIGN UP! Jennifer, Vickey, & Deven Quilt Mercantile Celeste, TX 75423 Tues.-Fri. 9-5; Sat. 9-3 903-568-8739 To find retreats and classes go to www.quiltagiousquarters.com. Look at retreat calendar. |