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Quilt Mercantile Fall 2017 & FYI: CLOSED for Labor Day Sept. 2nd-4th.
Quilt Mercantile is Closed for holiday Sept. 2nd-4th |
Summer is coming to an end for 2017! What a strange and wet summer it has been in our area. We hope this email finds each of you safe from the flooding in South Texas. We encourage everyone to find your own way to reach out to those in need to help. It is what quilters do!!!
We have many new fabrics and samples in our store. If you have not joined our Facebook following, please do. It is the best way to stay informed about our new offerings at the store. Click here to visit our page.
We are excited that the "Bee Happy Quilt Sew Along" has begun! We have our kits ready and two of our rows completed in our store sample (THANKS Lynne!) Click here to see the project and read more about it.
We have available spaces in our class offerings this fall. Brenda Jeschke has an introductory class for embroidery machines on Sept. 21st. Jackie Brown is available to teach any of her one-on-one machine quilting classes on most Wednesday (reserve your date by calling us). Sarah Frances has her monthly class for Dear Jane. Click here to see information on these.
We have a new offering by Pearl Pereira of P3 Designs October 19th, 2017. She will teach a Silhouette Cameo Class. This class is designed to teach how to use your cameo to cut applique shapes. We have just a couple openings left. Click here to see more information on this class.
We continue to bring outstanding teachers to our retreat center--Quiltagious Quarters. We also have retreats without a teacher where you can come and make new quilting friends or organize your own group. The retreat calendar is updated. Click here to see 2017 & 2018 offerings.
Retreats for Fall 2017 |
Alice Wilhoit A-Z retreat--We have ONE opening for this fun retreat Sept. 7th-10th.
Brenda Jeschke Machine Embroidery Retreat --We have two openings in the Sept 22nd-24th retreat and a backup list for the Dec. 1st-3rd retreat. These retreats will help you learn to use your embroidery machine with confidence!
Pearl Pereira Off the Block Applique retreat--We have a few openings in the weekend retreat October 20th-22nd. Pearl uses freezer paper to achieve perfect applique shapes (she also shares all kinds of tips and tidbits to perfect the applique process). |