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Quilt Mercantile/Quiltagious Quarters 2017 retreats
Quiltagious Quarters Retreat Offerings 2017 click here to flip through calendar |
Brenda Jeschke Embroidery Machine Retreats March 3rd-5th, June 16th-18th, September 22nd-24th & December 1st-3rd. Brenda would love to help you learn confidence with your embroidery machine. All machine brands welcome. Beginner to advanced welcome.
Sylvi Sealy TUFFET retreat April 21st-23rd!!! The designer of the hottest new project from Houston Quilt Market and Festival 2015, Sharyn Cole, praises Sylvi as "The Best certified instructor in Texas!" We are bringing her to Celeste, TX to teach you to make your own tuffet in a weekend. This is an awesome opportunity to learn from the best! Sylvi helped students make over 550 tuffets in 2016. Check out her Facebook page: sewcolorfulquilts
Alice Wilhoit A-Z Retreat March 23rd-26th, June 22nd-25th, or September 7th-10th, 2017. Alice is a published author that teaches all over the United States. We are fortunate to have her in our area. Need help to finish or get motivated on one or more of your UFO's? Alice says this retreat is for you! Drag out those unfinished projects! You know, the ones you put away because you were stuck. Sign up for a retreat with Alice and get the help you need to complete those projects. Or just start something new. Alice has over 25 years experience as a teacher. She is an author, pattern designer and is very knowledgeable with appliqué, embroidery and crazy patchwork.
Eileen Urbanek retreats April 10th-13th or August 24th-27th, 2017. Paper Piecing the Judy Niemeyer way--Eileen Urbanek. Eileen is well loved for her ability to teach skills to help with Judy's complex pattern. She is an international certified instructor for Judy. She also is very happy to help you with any of these quilting projects: Stack-n-Wack, One Block Wonder, Jacob's Ladder, String Quilts, and Wonderful One Fabric Quilts. Join these retreats for any of these projects! (two openings in April retreat & backup list for August retreat)
Jackie Brown Machine Quilting Retreat May 19th-21st, 2017. The retreat is for domestic sewing machines and sit-down long arm units. Jackie will demonstrate multiple techniques. She is very excited to show domestic machine owners how to use long arm rulers with the new ruler feet we have available for most types of sewing machine (Janome and Elna we definitely have the ruler foot for your machine). You are sure to have seen quilts at our DFW quilt shows that Jackie has quilted---Many of them having a blue ribbon, Best of Show, or some award on them! She is another one of our many talented local educators!
P3 Designs applique retreats. We are taking names for a backup list currently. Pearl will come for two retreats in June and two retreats in Ocotber, 2017. Dates and information click here. E-mail us if you are interested.
Quilt Mercantile Classes 2017 |
Basic Embroidery Machine class by Brenda Jeschke March 2nd for $45. She will teach you how to use the embroidery part of your sewing machine. ANY BRAND! This class covers: using the proper stabilizers, how to hoop properly, discuss needles, threads, bobbins, machine, downloading designs from the internet, and designs organization on your computer. Bring your machine and laptop for hands on instruction for your machine. Now is the time to learn to use your embroidery machine! She has many samples to show and inspire you to use your embroidery machine in your own quilting projects.
Dear Jane by Sarah Francis First Saturday each month 10-3 for $10. Dear Jane is the ULTIMATE Sampler! Join the craze known as Dear Jane...recreate this Civil War era quilt with it's small, interesting blocks and triangles, mainly by machine with applique blocks by hand. This class is taught by technique and you are guaranteed to come away learning a shortcut or two, and/or new techniques. Let Sarah help you with fabric selection. She will take all the "wonder how she made that one" out of it for you. Dear Jane book required. Send us an email if you want to join the group and Sarah will send information on how to prepare for your class.
Long Arm Quilting Club Meeting March 25th, 2017. This club's goal is to bring together long arm quilters in our area. Club is open to everyone--any brand long arm on table or sit-down units. Just trying to decide IF you want to be a long arm quilter--join us on club day. We want to educate, share ideas and have fun. Jackie Brown is our lead educator for this club. (Jackie has just won-Best machine quilting and first place and best of show Pennsylvania Quilt Odyssey 2016. She also won two best of show and first place West Virginia Quilt Festival 2016 awards.) At 9:30 we will begin with a Show-n-Tell so bring any project you want to share. At 10:00 Jackie will begin her discussion and demonstration of her featured ruler and favorite rulers by Handi Quilter. She will demo a HQ template. You will learn how to use the chosen template when quilting (20% discount on the new featured ruler on club day. If you want any held for you please send an e-mail). Club day is Saturday March 25th from 9:30-12:30. Cost is $20 per meeting per person. ***Want hands on experience?*** Jackie is offering an afternoon class to work on another technique with a HQ template. Class is from 1:30-3:30 for $35 per person. The afternoon is class limited to six students. If you are interested in learning which template she chooses, send an email.
Hoopsisters Elegant Elements EmbroidaBlock classes. Pam Hansen leads a group that meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Our sample is hanging in the store. Put your embroidery machine to work making this striking project where each block is quilted on your embroidery machine. Join the club and receive your designs in-store monthly.
Long Arm and sit-down Quilting Classes by Jackie Brown
(If not already booked, Jackie will teach any of these three classes on any given Wednesday.) Level 1: Basic Pantograph Long Arm Quilting class Wednesdays 9:30-3:30 for $150. Learning to stitch a pantograph pattern on your quilt is an easy and fast way to make your quilt look like you had a professional quilted it. The basic steps will get you started on learning how to put a nice pantograph design on your quilt. Jackie will teach the six steps to get started becoming a confident long arm quilter. Level 2: Custom long arm quilting class Wednesdays 9:30-3:30 for $200. Would you like to learn how to make your quilts stand out with some custom quilting? This class will teach you the basics of custom quilting. It’s fun and you can use your creative mind to enhance your quilt. You can say you quilted it and had fun doing it. Jackie will teach seven steps to get started becoming a custom long arm quilter. Level 3: Artistic Custom Quilting class Wednesdays 9:30-3:30 for $250. After completing Level 1 and Level 2 classes you are now on your way to Artistic quilting. This class will take you to the level of a professional quilter, with lots of practice, patience and determination! You can make your quilts stand out in a crowd. Your family and friends will ask if you had a professional quilt it, and you can proudly say, “I quilted it”!! Jackie will teach the six steps to getting started to becoming a Artistic Long Arm Quilter.
Sit-down quilting unit basic free motion class Wednesdays 9:30-3:30 for $150. In this Class you will learn how to move the fabric with the speed of the needle to get even stitches. I will teach you how to cross hatch, stipple, basic feathers, background fills, and how to us the quarter inch thick rulers.