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Quilt Mercantile and Quiltagious Quarters Fall update
Quilt Mercantile Fall update
Fall is just around the corner. We hope your summer has been filled with family, fun, and friends! The Plano quilt show was a great success. (Don't forget the quilt show in Sulphur Springs will be Sept. 19th&20th. Their raffle quilt won a ribbon and judges choice!) If you were not able to make it, you missed some beautiful quilts. Linda Neal's "Twas the night before Christmas" quilt won Best of Show and Viewers Choice.
This amazing quilt is going places for sure. Linda uses the P3 freezer paper starch method SO join the class in October and you can learn to do it!
We have enjoyed meeting many new quilters since we are participating in the Row by Row experience. We now have a winner and she used our row in her quilt!

Classes and Retreats
Brenda Jeschke Embroidery Retreat September 5th-7th Project-Christmas Town by Anita Goode Designs. This retreat is for those of you that are comfortable using your embroidery machine but would like to learn skills to improve the end results and to simplify the process. Brenda is happy for you to work on any project with any machine. She is here to help with any issues you may be having with any project in your UFO stash. "Christmas Town" was a huge success at the Plano quilt show. See below.

Brenda Jeschke day class Saturday Sept. 6th from 9-6. Don't have time to spent the whole weekend at retreat? Come join us for Saturday only-$55. This class is for those of you that are familiar with your machine and use it upon occasion. Work on project pictured above or any embroidery design of your choosing. Five spots open for this option. Give us a call or e-mail asap.
Long Arm Quilting club Fall meeting: Saturday Sept. 13th from 9:30-12:30. Cost is $20 per meeting per person. This club's goal to to bring together long arm quilters in our area. Club is open to everyone--any brand long arm on table or sit-down units. Just trying to decide IF you want to be a long arm quilter--join us on club day. We want to educate, share ideas and have fun. Jackie Brown is our lead educator for this club. Did you see the BEAUTIFUL quilting she did on Linda Neal's Best of Show quilt in Plano? Wow! Please bring a notebook and pen to the meeting. At 9:30 we will begin with a Show-n-Tell so bring any project you want to share. This Fall meeting will have everyone bring a quilt top to have Jackie give quilting ideas for your quilt. You will hear so many ideas from the variety of quilts that are brought to club! She will demonstrate on a quilt top that she has not seen before meeting. Send us an e-mail to let us know you are coming. (All past participants will receive a reminder e-mail.)
Want hands on experience? Jackie is offering an afternoon class from 1:30-3:30 for $35 per person. Jackie will focus on Feathers! You have seen her awesome work- come learn from a master quilter. Limited to six students. Sign up now!
September 18th-21st Quilt Mercantile Fall Retreat. We have a few openings in our retreat. E-mail if you would like to join us. P3 Designs day class October 16th-$55. Let Pearl teach you freezer paper starch method for applique. (If you want to be on the backup list for retreats, we might have a spot for you closer to the date if someone has a change of plans.)
Eileen Urbanek retreat November 14th-16th teaching Judy Niemeyer- any pattern. She is a certified educator and is absolutely wonderful with tips to simplify the process.
Brenda Jeschke Embroidery Basics Retreat December 5th-7th See description below with day class. She will go through all this and have you work on some basic blocks and techniques at retreat.
Basic Embroidery Machine class by Brenda Jeschke Dec. 4th from 10-4 for $45. We are so very excited about the success of Brenda's first class and retreat at our facility. If you want to use your embroidery machine (any brand) this is the class you have been waiting for!!! Brenda will teach you how to use the embroidery part of your machine. Any brand! This class covers using the proper stabilizers, how to hoop properly, discuss needles, threads, and bobbins, machine embroidery formats, printing templates, getting your designs to your machine, downloading designs from the internet, and design organization on your computer. Bring machine and laptop. We are very excited to have this brand new offering. Do you have a embroidery machine you have never used??? Bring it out of the closet and join this class. THEN you can learn more when she comes again for another retreat December 5th-7th! She has some gorgeous samples hanging in our store.
Jackie Brown Domestic Machine Quilting Retreat Dec. 12th-14th. Jackie will spend the weekend with you teaching skills needed to succeed at quilting on your domestic machine or sit-down quilting machine.
See retreat center link below for more information on retreats. See quilt store link for class information. OR send us an e-mail.
Dates our Store is CLOSED: August 30th (Labor Day) October 25th (Quilt Market) November 27th-Dec. 1st Dec. 21st-Jan. 1st
Jennifer and Vickey Quilt Mercantile Celeste, TX 903-568-8739
Store Hours: Tuesday-Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-3 Closed Sundays and Mondays