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Pro Stitcher edge to edge with Jackie Brown

Set yourself up for success

Let’s set the edge to edge pattern for the size of the quilt. Bring a project and complete it in a day with Jackie's help!

  1.      Jackie's tips for successful quilting
  2.      Measure the quilt top
  3.      Load the quilt  
  4.      Set the area
  5.      Choosing the pattern
  6.      Wrap
  7.      New start and stop
  8.      Realign the quilt
  9.      Thread break
  10.      Crop the last row



  1.      Small lab quilt size top
  2.      Backing – needs to be 4 inches larger than the top on all 4 sides
  3.      Batting – Same size as the backing
  4.      Omni Thread – your choice of color
  5.      Bobbin – same color thread
  6.      Scissors
  7.      Note pad and pen
Cost: $ 99.00
Supplies additional - see supply list